Bogan Shire Council would like to advise all rural and residential landholders, that under the NSW Biosecurity Act 2015 (the Act) all properties are to be inspected at least once in a five year period for weed risk.
The council as the Local Control Authority under s370 of the Act has appointed a Biosecurity Weeds Officer (BWO) under s372(2) of the Act.
The BWO will be sending letters to landholders in relation to property inspections in regards to weeds and weed control only. If you would like an inspection prior to receiving any correspondence please do not hesitate to contact the Council on 02 6835 9000.
Biosecurity - Weeds
Council is responsible for the control of weeds in the Bogan Shire. For more information click the following links. and
From 1 July 2017, the Biosecurity Act 2015 and its subordinate legislation will commence. For more information on the changes, please visit the following link:
Street Trees
Council resolved in August 2016 to updated the Street Tree Preservation Policy (Trees on Public Land). A copy of the policy is available for download here.
The policy should be referred to when seeking to plant, remove or prune street trees in the Bogan Shire and the approval process required to be undertaken.
Weed Guides
- Athel Pine
- Blue Heliotrope
- Bridal Creeper
- Burr Ragweed
- Cats Claw Creeper
- Chilean Needle Grass
- Coolatai Grass
- Fireweed
- Giant Reed
- Green Cestrum
- Honey Locust
- Johnson Grass
- Serrated Tussock
- Silverleaf Nightshade
- Spiny Burrgrass
- Blackberry
- Carrion Flower
- East Indian Hygrophila
- Harrisia
- Hudson Pear
- Hygrophila
- Kidney-Leaf Mud Plantain
- Kindey-Leaf Mud Plantain
- Longleaf Willow Primrose
- Mesquite
- Mother Of Millions
- Peruvian Primrose
- Prickly Pears Cylindropuntia
- Prickly Pears Opuntia
- Sagitarria
- Salvinia
- St John's Wort
- Yellow Waterlily