Library Membership

Membership is open to all permanent residents of the region free of charge. You simply need to complete an application form at the Library and provide current official identification with your name and address. A parent / guardian is required to sign on behalf of patrons under 16 years of age. A membership card is given to each borrower on joining. This card must be presented for each transaction.

Temporary Borrowers

For those who are residing or taking holidays in the area for a short time, temporary membership is available for the duration of your stay. If you have your home library card with you, please bring it in when you come to join the library.

Can I borrow straight away?

Yes, provided you have produced the required identification when joining.

What happens if I lose my card?

If you lose your card a $2.00 service fee is charged for replacement. NB. lost or stolen cards should be reported immediately.

Contact Us

Bogan Shire Council

81 Cobar Street 

P.O. Box 221
Nyngan, 2825
New South Wales

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Ph: (02) 6835 9000
Fax: (02) 6835 9011

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