Nyngan Preschool
Years: Children aged 3 to 5 years old
School Type: Co-Ed
Street Address: Pangee Street
Nyngan 2825
Phone: 02 6832 1460
Fax: 02 6832 1460
Sessions: Full day sessions Monday - Friday from 8:30am - 4pm
The Nyngan Preschool aims to meet the physical, social, emotional and intellectual needs of the individual child within a supportive and positive learning environment and to provide an educational opportunity for children aged 3 to 5 years. Opportunities are provided for children to interact with peers and adults outside the family environment.
Children are encouraged to be independent, solve conflicts, interact with the environment, make choices and observe, experiment and explore. Children are provided with opportunities to work and play co-operatively, as part of a group and to recognise and respect the rights of others, in a safe, hygienic, and developmentally appropriate environment.