Register of Clause 4.6 Variations to Development Standards

The Bogan Local Environmental Plan 2011 (LEP) sets out development standards that must be addressed in the lodgement and assessment of any development application within the local government area.

Clause 4.6 of the Local Environment Plan (LEP) provides a process by which an application can include a request to vary a development standard in the LEP. 

Council has delegation from the NSW Department of Planning to assess and determine most variations.

Variations more than 10 per cent of a numerical development standard, or variations to a performance-based Development Standard must be determined by the elected Council.

Council is required to maintain a register of these Clause 4.6 variations to be submitted quarterly to the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE).

Click here for a list of the Clause 4.6 variations for Bogan Shire Council.


Contact Us

Bogan Shire Council

81 Cobar Street 

P.O. Box 221
Nyngan, 2825
New South Wales

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Ph: (02) 6835 9000
Fax: (02) 6835 9011

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