Macquarie Marshes


The Macquarie Marshes are an extensive wetland system covering an area of 220,000 hectares in north-west New South Wales, representing one of the largest semi-permanent wetlands in south-eastern Australia.

Commencing in the south at Marebone Weir, which is situated 50kms north of Warren, they extend to the north a further 100kms until all the channels unite to form one near Carinda.

The Northern Marshes provide a scenic landscape of Common Reed (Phragmites Australia's) and River Red Gum (Eucalyptus camaldulenis).The Macquarie Marshes are a well known habitat of many waterbirds. Over 60 species have been sighted here with a reported 42 of the species using the ideal conditions for a breeding place. Ibis, Egrets, Cormorants, Spoonbills and Herons are but a few of the breeding species found at the Macquarie Marshes.

There are also many different varieties of aquatic plants growing freely in this wonderful natural wetland.

The Fauna also presents a rich variety of animals, including several of the mammal species.

Contact Us

Bogan Shire Council

81 Cobar Street 

P.O. Box 221
Nyngan, 2825
New South Wales

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Ph: (02) 6835 9000
Fax: (02) 6835 9011

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