Public Notices

Imagine Nyngan and the Bogan Shire in 2035…….

What are your hopes or dreams for Nyngan and Bogan Shire?

Bogan Shire Council is preparing our long-term plan for Nyngan and the Bogan Shire. This plan sets out a vision for what our community will be like in 2035.

We value your contribution to our plan, so please complete the survey link below.

To make sure you have input into the development of the long term plan, all you have to do is imagine Nyngan in 2035 and complete the questions on the survey link below

IMG 8785

Contact Us

Bogan Shire Council

81 Cobar Street 

P.O. Box 221
Nyngan, 2825
New South Wales

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ph: (02) 6835 9000
Fax: (02) 6835 9011

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