Last week Seniors Week was celebrated throughout the Shire. I would like to congratulate all those who were nominated, each nomination was well deserved, and they each contribute enormously to our Shire in different ways. A special congratulations to Wendy Beetson who was named Bogan Shire Senior Citizen of the Year for 2025. I hope you all enjoyed the events throughout Senior’s Week. I would also like to say a special thank you to Nyngan High School for providing the catering on the presentation day morning tea, and 3CN church for the use of the venue, and thanks also to all the other venues that held events for our seniors.
At the Alliance of Western Councils meeting held in Dubbo back on Friday 7th March 2025, we had Telstra representatives attend the meeting to provide information about the recent upgrade from 3G network and the ongoing service issues throughout the Shires. 13 Councils all provided feedback of their Shire complaints to the Telstra representatives, and nearly all of the complaints were around that rather than seeing an improvement from upgrades and closure of the 3G network, we have gone backwards, and areas where you had once gotten service, service is now unavailable. I strongly encourage people within our Shire, if you have not already done so, to report any service issues you are experiencing to Telstra. Although there may have been some slight improvement in some areas, the majority have had issues of no service, and people who have received correspondence back from Telstra in relation to issues is a similar response of upgrade boosters, I know Roy Butlers office is also advocating for Telstra to fix the issues. This is not good enough by any standard, and we will endeavour to push for a better solution to what we have been provided by Telstra after the closure of 3G. People’s everyday lives are being impacted especially if you run your business via your phone, and it is also scary to think of the safety implications. If there is an emergency situation, lives are going to be lost due to the inadequate phone service.
On Saturday 29th March 2025 from 4-6pm the Bogan Shire Council will be holding a New Residence Welcome at the Nyngan Bowling Club. It will be a great afternoon to get familiar with locals and different things available throughout our Shire. The event will be catered, along with barefoot bowls and some activities for the kids. If you’re a new resident and are interested in attending please contact Bogan Shire on 02 6835 9000 or emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and advise numbers attending for catering purposes.
Throughout the Shire, for the next fortnight, residents can expect to see continued road maintenance of resheeting on Coffils Lane, funded by Infrastructure Betterment Fund, resheeting on Currans Road funded by Infrastructure Betterment Fund, resheeting on Budgery Road funded by Infrastructure Betterment Fund, resheeting on Glengariff Road, and continued construction of a footpath on Wambiana Street funded by Resources for Regions.